Wednesday 25 September 2013

Being Me.

I'm happy in my own shoes, I love being Me. I wait for Friday nights, I like curling up with a book, I cannot me more content than I am when I'm in the bathtub, I am lazy (I could spend my whole day in bed!), I can't wait to get babies of my own (Weird right?), I'm a sucker for sex, I love telling people(Guys;) that I jog(No, I actually do), I think a LOT... I'm pretty messed up. But then who is not? Everybody has issues, but I'll tell you a secret. There is a lot to be miserable and sad for but again there's so much more to be grateful and happy for. Live your life. It's the only one you got. I got it...**Enough preaching**

Life sucks sometimes more and more so as you grow up. Taking responsibility for your karma is a bitch. I got thrown outta class this morning for not being in uniform. I know lame, lamer still... I forgot it was a uniform day! I stormed out cursing. I was made to go home and change!!
Have you wished you could be a kid again? I mean who cares about clothes as long as you're wearing 'em! but Hell yeah, I do wear the good ones

Well now, I guess that's enough of  Me. I'm just navigating around trying to know who I really am. you know how difficult that can be right? That's all for today folks! Ciao

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